RRC Students Go Above and Beyond

By: Chloe Arfsten

            Red Rock Central already knows their students go above and beyond; what better way to acknowledge them for their efforts than by awarding them? Back in September, the Falcon Flyer reported that RRC would be giving out Falcon Pride Awards to students who go above and beyond to become better citizens. Any recipient of a Falcon Pride Award would be entered into a random drawing for a prize at the end of the quarter. On top of that, one student from a narrowed down list, based on certain criteria, would be chosen by staff members to become the Falcon Student of the Quarter. Now that it is the end of quarter one, it is time to reveal those names.

            How do students receive a Falcon Pride Award? Any staff member at RRC is eligible to present a student with an award for going above and beyond. Here are some examples why students received awards throughout first quarter: exhibiting school pride and spirit by leading the student body in cheers, tutoring a fellow peer, setting an example for underclassmen by helping out in the library, picking up trash without being asked, volunteering to help set up for the lyceum, volunteering to make posters, or helping out with skits during homecoming. In total, forty-two students received a Falcon Pride Award, and some received more than one. All of those students became eligible for the random drawing at the end of the quarter, in which the winner would get to choose a prize. The lucky winner for first quarter is Jesse Polk.

            Now, what about this Falcon Student of the Quarter? This award is only for students who received a Falcon Pride Award who also met additional criteria. The winner may not have any tardies, unexcused absences, detention, late work/lessons, cell phone violations, or major infractions (i.e. dress code violation, swearing, negative attitude.) After determining which Falcon Pride Award winners met the required criteria, the staff voted Anna Hagan to be the Falcon Student of the Quarter.

            It looks like the students of RRC can go above and beyond! Thanks to the Falcon Pride Awards, students have more incentive to surpass expectations and become better citizens, which is the whole point of implementing the award. Congratulations goes out to Jesse Polk and Anna Hagan for their special awards and prizes. Keep it up, RRC students!