Thank You, Janitors

By: MaKayla Meier

            As everyone knows, Red Rock Central School District has an amazing group of students and staff. What most people do not know is how great the janitors are. From fixing lockers to sweeping the floors, the Red Rock Central janitors are an asset to the school. The district has five janitors, Randy Tordsen and Janiece Huls at the elementary and Gordy Wille, Jerry Mason, and Tom Neperman.The three high school janitors combined have been working at RRC for fifteen years.

            Gordy is normally seen with a smile on his face as he sweeps the halls. He has been working at RRC for five years so far! Working at Red Rock has many perks, but his favorite part about it is being around young people and teachers. Not to mention, he is close to retirement. Outside of school Gordy likes collecting Minnesota Vikings items and cheering them on while watching T.V.

            The retirement plan-that’s Jerry’s favorite part about working at RRC, along with his good boss, and the indoor work is more preferable in the cold Minnesota winters. Around the school, students can see Jerry fixing just about anything-except the plumbing. Jerry has been with RRC for four years. When Jerry is not busy fixing up the school,  he has a hobby of tinkering with classic cars.

            “Jack of all trades, master of none.” This quote represents how Tom Neperman describes himself at Red Rock. He works on almost any type of problem that occurs in the school.  Tom has worked at RRC for six years as a custodian and fifteen years as a bus driver for the district. Tom is big into the outdoors and is a twenty-eight year member of the Lamberton Fire Department.

            Custodians clean the school during the school year, but what about during the summer? The summer months are actually the busiest for the janitors. They spend all summer fixing up, mopping, waxing, painting, and keeping the outside looking pretty. If it were not for the school’s outstanding custodians, RRC might be a wreck! Red Rock Central is grateful to have such capable workers!