Red Quill Award

By: Chloe Arfsten

          “It is my pleasure to inform you that Red Rock Central High School has been selected to receive ACT’s Red Quill Award for 2011.” This is the sixth year in which the Red Quill Award has been awarded in the Midwest Region. Red Rock Central received this award for the first time. It recognizes and honors schools who analyze the EXPLORE, PLAN, and ACT tests scores to enhance learning in their school and help students figure out their post-graduation plans.

          Back in October of 2011, Mr. Goetstouwers received a letter from the ACT Midwest Red Quill Award Chairman, Phil Daniel. He was asked to fill out an enclosed application for RRC to be considered to receive the award. The application included questions about how RRC uses the tests to promote learning in the school and how the information will be used for future curriculum planning. The committee could then decide with the given information if RRC was eligible for receiving the award.

On January 23, 2012, Mr. Goetstouwers received another letter congratulating RRC on receiving the Red Quill Award. It also mentioned that because the school is a recipient, they would receive a plaque, a press release sent out to media outlets in the area, recognition in the Midwest Region ACTion Newsletter, two fee waivers for the next ACT State Organization Conference, and an invitation to present their program at the next annual ACT State Organization Conference in Minnesota.

The congratulatory letter states, “The Red Quill Award was established to honor educational professionals who analyze data in robust ways and use these data to support curricular and instructional changes and enhancements based on the needs of learners within their communities.” By putting time and effort into using those tests to help students in many different ways, Red Rock Central was able to be recognized with the Red Quill Award. Congratulations!