Teacher Feature: Sara Arfsten

 By: MaKayla Meier


            “Let’s get running!” These are Sara Arfsten’s trademark words to her students in physical education class.  Mrs. Arfsten is one of the newest teachers at Red Rock Central this year, although she has subbed for RRC in the past. Sara lives in Storden with her husband and  daughter, Chloe, who will be graduating this year from Red Rock. The Arfsten’s also have an older daughter, Amanda, who is a graduate from 2010.

            Mrs. Arfsten is a graduate from Bethel University in the Twin Cities and has a B.A. in physical education. She has prior teaching experience at Faith Academy in Manila, Philippines, for ten years and most recently Westbrook-Walnut Grove. Here at Red Rock Central, Mrs. Arfsten starts the day with two hours teaching grades 5 and 6, then finishes her day teaching K-4 in Jeffers. All K-5 students are lucky enough to go to physical education with Mrs. Arfsten every day for twenty five minutes. Sixth grade gets her every day except on Tuesdays when one section has phy ed for fifty minutes. The following Tuesday, the other section gets her for fifty minutes. Mrs. Arfsten’s main focus in her classes is technique and helping kids improve which is what she enjoys most about teaching.  She is also the head volleyball coach and assistant track coach for RRC. An exciting outcome for both the school and Mrs. Arfsten is that the  teaching job enables her to teach and coach volleyball in the same district this year. 

             Red Rock Central is glad to have someone like Mrs. Arfsten, who is not only valuable as coach, but also as a teacher this year. Mrs. Arfsten’s global experiences make her an asset to the school district and is a quality that is not often found in rural Minnesota. Red Rock  Central welcomes you Mrs. Arfsten. “Let’s get running!”



Sara Arfsten





Katie Pederson:

I think it looks good! I know where you're coming from with the ending. It's hard to bring everything together in the last paragraph without sounding repetative. With that, I don't have any suggestions. I think you did a good job. :)

Philippe Goetstouwers:

Did Chloe have any suggestions?

Chloe Arfsten:

I didn't get to reading the final draft before you and Mrs. Wilmes, but I did edit a little bit while she was writing. Looks good!