Elementary Book Fair and Toys for Tots

By: MaKayla Meier

            Red Rock Central elementary students had a chance to buy their favorite books and support a good cause at the same time. The book fair started on November 5th and went until parent teacher conferences on the 8th. By buying these books, the students were able to support children in need.

            For three days, students had the opportunity to buy books throughout the day. On the 6th, Grandparent’s Day, the students could look pleadingly at their grandparents and ask them to buy them a book or two, and then again during conferences with their parents.This year’s book fair brought in around $3,000, and Red Rock receives about $1,500 back from Scholastic. While students acquired some of  their favorite books, other kids are able to benefit as well.

            Toys for Tots is a program designed by the U.S. Marine Corps to help unfortunate kids. From October until December, new, unwrapped toys will be collected and given out to children in need around the community where fundraising is held. For every $1 that RRC students bring in, Scholastic will donate one book to Toys for Tots. For that reason, Mrs. Hemiller had a contest to see who could bring in the most money. The elementary was split into two groups. The first consisted of Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades, and the second consisted of preschool, 3rd and 4th. The younger group won by bringing in a total of $115.44 over the older kids with $86.76.  In total, they brought in $202.20, which means Scholastica will donate 202 books to Toys for Tots. Way to go Red Rock!

            While the students all enjoyed the book fair, it is safe to say that the less fortunate children will have a better holiday season because of the donation from the RRC elementary. It is a wonderful thing to be able to help someone in need, and Red Rock Central students should be proud to say they did. It is a great program and Red Rock is happy to help.