Veterans Day

By: Katie Pederson

            “I pledge allegiance to the flag.” The Pledge of Allegiance was the first thing that caught everyone’s attention at the lyceum on Monday morning to commemorate the veterans. Red Rock Central has been holding this assembly for many years and this year, since Veterans Day fell on a Sunday, the program was held on Monday morning, November 12th.

            Special speakers were Private Shoua Vang, who read a brief history of Veterans Day, while Boy’s State Delegate, Lance Mattison as well as Lamberton Auxiliary President both read a patriotic reading. Specialist Ryan Benedict gave a personal Veterans Day message about what sort of things he did while he was overseas. Towards the end of the program, the Red Rock Central High School Band performed “Freedom’s Light” by James Swearingen.

            Junior, Melanie Kedl, shared, “It is important that we honor our veterans, and I think our school has a wonderful tradition we uphold with our lovely program.” Red Rock Central took the time to thank the community’s veterans with this assembly. It is an honor to know the people that have fought and are fighting for our country.

Think about all the men and women in the Army, National Guards, Marines, or any other branch. They are fighting for your freedom and yet they do not even know you. To some people, this is a tremendus thing, and when you put it into perspective, Veterans Day is not just the one day to hold those veterans in the hearts of the civilians, it is an incentive to always think of these people. Make sure to thank a veteran for their service to this amazing country.