Falcon Pride Award

By: Chloe Arfsten, Katie Pederson, MaKayla Meier

This year the Red Rock Central students have a chance to better themselves through the Falcon Pride Award. The Falcon Pride Award is given to a student that goes above and beyond expectations academically or behaviorally.  The award was put in place by the district with the idea that students would have an incentive to be better citizens.

How does it work exactly? A student that is going above and beyond can receive one of these awards from any staff member that feels they deserve one. Some examples of what deserves a Falcon Pride Award might be a marked increase in grades, random acts of kindness, or volunteering. When a teacher decides to give them an award, they will hand the student a ticket with their name, date, and what they did on it. The other half goes to the office and gets put into a drawing for prizes at the end of the quarter.

When asked about where the idea came from, Mr. Goetstouwers replied, “Last year, I had explored the idea of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)… It is an effective way to give students a better chance to build on character and citizenship.” This PBIS idea inspired Mr. Goetstouwers to implement it in a “similar, but different way.” The Red Rock Central district discussed and voted on putting the Falcon Pride Award into effect. Eighty percent of Red Rock Central’s staff approved the award in hope that it would increase student pride.

The school is very optimistic about the system and hopes that it will create better students, school, and citizens. Red Rock Central is giving their students a chance to better themselves and eventually better the world.