
This is my friend Cassandra. Her and I are best friends. The second picture is a picture of Miranda and I. Now we have been best friends since she moved to this school. These two girls are my world, and without them I totally would not be the person i am today.
This is a picture of Cassandra and I, while we were at my house in the grove. We had a lot of fun that day.
This is a picture of Miranda and I and we had the best time ever. We had a little get together with Cassandra and Ally before Ally had to leave. It was the best time because we didnt sleep at all. Haha. Fun times, fun times.
This is my dog Bella, she is a yellow lab, and about eight months old now.

This is my godchild Aryianna Jocelyn Schultz. This is my cousin Sam's little precious angel.

UMYS IS THE BEST THING EVER!!! I had a blast at umys and if you never have been to umys before you should totally go because its so fun!!!

This is my great grandma and us grandkids in Texas.

This is my wonderful mother, Lisa Davis. She is the best parent in the world, and i would never trade her in for anyone else.